
Check out the latest school news!

  • Resilient and Ready for the Future: The Graduates of Gaynor’s Class of 2024
    Members of the Class of 2024 are now officially Gaynor alumni, after a Graduate Breakfast and Graduation Ceremony celebrating their accomplishments and their time at Gaynor.
  • Capturing “Pure Magic” — Stephen Gaynor School’s New Mission Statement
    On June 5, 2024, the Stephen Gaynor School Board of Trustees approved a new mission statement for the school. Read on to learn about the yearlong process to review and revise Gaynor’s mission.
  • Names, Not Numbers Honors Holocaust Survivors
    Blue Cluster students in the Names, Not Numbers elective film the oral histories of Holocaust survivors. The year-long elective project culminates in a premiere of the final film in the Yvette Siegel-Herzog Performing Arts Center.
  • Coming Together to Celebrate Pride at Breakfast My Way
    The final Breakfast My Way of the school year was held on June 5, and was a celebration of Pride Month. The breakfast was attended by parents, students, and trustees, and featured delicious rainbow bagels. Breakfast My Way is an event sponsored by the Parents’ Association DEI Committee to bring parents together to learn about the breakfast traditions, holidays, and cultures of their fellow Gaynor families. 
  • Enhancing Student Outcomes Through Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies
    Since its founding in 1962, a hallmark of Stephen Gaynor School has been the individualized, multi-sensory, evidence-based approach at the core of the school’s curriculum. Evidence-based practices are backed by rigorous, high-standard research, replicated with positive outcomes and backed by their effects on student outcomes. They provide specific approaches and programs that improve student performance. Learn more about Gaynor’s evidence-based approaches here.

Stephen Gaynor School Gazette